Roland Soeiro #30

Roland is seeking an academically challenging college environment where he can play soccer at the highest possible level of competition.

Elite Soccer Player – Competitive, Versatile, Coachable

Elite Soccer Player – Competitive, Versatile, Coachable

Roland Soeiro has been dedicated to “the beautiful game” since he saw his first World Cup game at age six. He currently plays RW / LW for FC Westchester, but also manages to fit in some play time for Rivertowns United, a local league. On his high school team, he started on the varsity squad as a sophomore, and received an All-League Honorable Mention. He will graduate in 2026. In Roland’s spare time, he works as a soccer referee, trains younger players in one-on-one coaching sessions, and volunteers for Project Share, a non-profit that feeds homeless people in NYC. He supports Barcelona.

About Roland

Highlights, fall 2023

Highlights, 2022-2023

Resume, spring 2024